Main Space

Pieces of Ohio (February 15 - May 15, 2010)

Triple Candie is pleased to present "Pieces of Ohio," an exhibition of excerpts from various issues of Ohio magazine, presented out of sequence and context. Some of the issues that were destroyed in the making of this show are now out of print.

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"The Ohio Photomagazine, first published in January 1995 is an art project in magazine form, a mobile exhibition space for photographic imagery. The joint editors/publishers are two artists from Cologne and Dusseldorf: Uschi Huber and Joerg Paul Janka (until 1998 together with Stefan Schneider and Hans-Peter Feldmann). Ohio publishes in print and video format (DVD) as well as photographs in a box."

"In Ohio the reproductive and everyday charakter [sic] of phtography is more of interest than the aura of a single photo on the wall. Ohio deals entirely with already existing images, it selects and recombines them. Ohio publishes images from very diverse sources and doesn't differenciate between 'genres.' There is a strong focus on non-artistic photography, images come from private and public archives, the daily press, the Internet, from scientists, amateurs . . . "

"Presenting images in a different context opens up new dimensions of meaning and aesthetics, it challanges [sic] the conditions of their interpretation and reeption. The photos are shown entirely without accompanying text, the authors are credited in the imprint."

"Choosing the form of a magazine and working as a collaborative, Ohio establishes an independent position outside the gallery dominated artmarket. Content, presentation and frequency s well as price and distribution are entirely up to the editors. Visibility is created in an independent way. "

"Ohio is published about once a year. Ohio exhibits internationally and holds lectures. From 2000 to 2005 Ohio ran a small exhibition space in Cologne, a vitrine in the street, open 24 hours. "

--from Ohio magazine's website, copied on February 14, 2010.

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Ohio #1

print, b/w and colour, 60 pages, published 1995, out of print; Ohio #1 features photographs collected and arranged from a multitude of sources, avoiding common genre divisions. Images from instiutional archives, personal collections, the daily press, advertisements, as well as artist's contributions, are just a small part of the image worlds presented.

Ohio #2

print, b/w and colour, 60 pages, published 1995, out of print; Ohio focuses on the image itself. This explains why accompanying texts, that normally bestow the viewer with a specific interpretation, are left out in Ohio. Ohio #2 includes the contributions by Christian Konra, Erinna Koenig, and others.

Ohio #3

print, b/w and colour, 60 pages, published 1996, out of print; Amongst others, these image series are presented in Ohio #3: Christian Hansen's collection of 'Female Portraits," three generations of photography of the Gursky family, self portraits of Claude Cahun, UFO images compiled by Joerg Zboralski and documentation of art destruction in museums.

Ohio #4

print, b/w and colour, 80 pages, published 1996, out of print; For the first time a concrete theme is at the core of Ohio. For several years the retiree Siefgried Winter photographed the construction process of the train bridge in Hamm ner Dusseldorf on a daily basis. Ohio #4 reproduces Siegfried Winter's bridge album.

Ohio #5

print, b/w and colour, 60 pages, published 1997, out of print; Ohio #5 shows amongst others a series of photographs from employees of an insurance company in Dusseldorf. They were assigned to document the damages in various insurance cases: destroyed banana boxes, melted marzipan, incorrectly stored Christmas trees, faulted potatoes . . .

Ohio #6

print, b/w, 60 pages, published 1998, out of print; Ohio #6 presents the collection of the Hamburg artist Lewan, who since 1987 picks upa nd catalogues photographs he finds on the street. For the first and only time Ohio #6, together with the label Stwardess, produced a vinyl single of the band The Red Krayola featuring "Songs for Ohio."

Ohio #7

video (DVD), colour, 45 min, published 1999, 13 Euro; Ohio #7 consists entirely of webcam footage from all over the Internet: night scenes at African waterholes, big cities, squares, traffic, ocean shores of New Zealand, domestic spaces, pets, rain, airport scenes, construction sites in outer space, Loch Ness, fog, sleeping penguins, and much more.

Ohio #8

video (DVD), colour, 35 min, pubilshed 2000, 13 Euro; 289 photogras of helicopters: hovering above rooftops, vanishing at the far horizon, printed on t-shirts or discovered as a sticker on the tank lid of a car. They represent a selection from the vast collection of helicopter images, compiled over the last 14 years by the Berlin-based author and artist Heinrich Dubel. The trans-disciplinary resaerch of the 'rotorcraft' phenomenon is one of the key topics at the 'Institute fur Erratik' in Berlin.

Ohio #9

video (DVD), colour/sound, 30 min, published 2001, 13 Euro; Without further comment, Ohio #9 presents 21 sequences from the video archive of 'Stiftung Warentest,' Berlin (an independent institution similar to the American Consumer Report'). Amongst the tested products are: matreesses, coffee machines, washing machines, condoms, vacuum cleaners, running shoes, a.s.o.

Ohio #10

hardcover, b/w, 80 pages, published 2002, 13 Euro; The Indonesian photographer J.M. Arsath Roith's was an employee of the Gemeentearchief Amsterdam. From 1959 to 1981 he documented the expansion and changing infrastructure of the city of Amsterdam. The images carry an unusual signature: in every single photo, there is Arsath Roith's moped. Worried that it could be stolen, he always kept it in the range of the viewfinder.

Ohio #11

print, b/w, 70 pages, published 2002, 13 Euro; The sociologist and writer Dr. Burkhard Brunn from Frankfurt began to continuously photograph hunting hides in 2000. The information below the images points out the place and time of the photographic 'shot.'

Ohio #12

print, colour, 100 pages, published 2004, 13 Euro; Published on the occasion of the Ohio exhibition 'e.V.' (e.V. is the German abbr. for registered social club) at the Kunstverein fur die Rheinlande und Westfalen in Dusseldorf. Twentytwo 'Vereine' (clubs) are presented, showing many aspects of their activities through their own photographs. For example: youth fire brigade Neuss, society for individual life partnerships Dusseldorf, stamp collectors Neuss, local beautification society Wiederstein, model railway club Wuppertal, sportsclub for lock picking techniques Cologne, a.s.o.

Ohio #13

video (DVD), 35 min, colour/sound, published 2004, 13 Euro; Model tests from the scientific laboratories of different research institutes. Original scenes with models of submarines, icebreakers, spaceshuttles, mars mobiles . . .

Ohio #14

71 colour photos (10x15cm) in a cardboard box, published 2006, 24 Euro; Ohio #14 shows a selection of 71 single photographs from the archive of the Planning Department Birmingham, GB

Ohio #15

print, colour, 100 pages, published 2007, 15 Euro; The Cologne writer, journalist and photographer Jens Hagen (1944-2004) spent the year 2002 in a clinic in Koblenz. During this period he photographed his closest surrounding, his room, the view out hte window.

Ohio #16

video (DVD), 42 min, colour/sound, published 2009, 15 Euro; The video recordings of the Modell-Eisenbahn-Club Wuppertal e.V. (a model railway club), documents a very special period in the club's history. After 50 years they had to vacate their clubhouse and consequently had to dismantle their entire model railway landscape. Ohio #16 presents 42 minutes of this process.






On View

  1. Main Space: Pieces of Ohio [magazine]

